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James and Garett's Hockey Supplies
Who Did What?
James Russell
James Russell helped design the website, and created the partnership agreement.
Garett Gilbertson
Garett is the other owner of James and Garett's Hockey Supplies, along with James Russell.
Garett Gilbertson
Garett Gilbertson hepled design the website, and picked out all of the products that we currently carry.
A Little Bit About Us
James Russell
James Russell is one of the owners of James and Garett's Hockey Supplies along with Garett Gilbertson. James is an avid hockey fan. His favorite team is the Vancouver Canucks. James also loves rock bands such as Led Zeppelin, KISS, The Doors, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, The Band, Nazareth, The Who, and CCR.
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